


  External economic activity of TSNIITOCHMASH in the field of military- and-technical cooperation (MTC) is implemented through a state company - FSUE "Rosoboronexport" ("ROSOBORONEXPORT"  Federal State Unitary Enterprise  27/3, Stromynka Street, Moscow, 107076, Russian Federation  Phone:(7-095) 964-61-40 (7-095) 202-66-03 Fax:(7-095) 963-26-13(7-095) 964-83-11(7-095) 202-45-94) and is carried out in two directions:
   1. Marketing and advertising activity includes:

- Shows and demonstration shooting for foreign customers on the territory of the State Demonstration-Test Centre
attached to TSNIITOCHMASH;
- Participation in the presentations of special small arms abroad including demonstration shooting;
- Participation in the international exhibitions of armament, military equipment and sport-and-hunting weapons;
- Participation in the international conferences and bilateral meetings with foreing companiens (under the aegis of FSUE "ROSOBORONEXPORT" in the field of MTC) for the purpose of search of potential buyers and customers.
   2. Delivery of finished products.
TSNIITOCHMASH can deliver finished products and sell licenses as well as carry out scientific- research work and developments in the customers interests in accordance with the List determined by  Decree of the President of RF .
TSNIITOCHMASH has been delivering export of finished products since 1992.



    Marketing Manager - Evgeny N. Sushilin
Deputy Marketing Manager, Web- master - Sergey A. Kalinin


2, Zavodskaya Str, Klimovsk 142181, Moscow region, Russia :, Tel:+7(095) 996-59-09, Fax:+7(095) 996-59-10

        Web-site:                                 E-mail: