










General view


The trainer is intended for gunnery training of high-accurate fire from small-arms of mass-production for servicemen . The complex ensures: - highly effective servicemen training for how to handle the weapon when aiming from different positions without any consumption of ammunition.
The complex construction allows the instructor to guide the actions of the shooter with the fixation of the fire result.
Uniqe trainer design allows to simulate small arms recoil and all mechanisms. With the help of the trainer one can get stable skills in preparatory steps for fire (loading, taking a position, aiming, smoothness of pulling the trigger).
There is a special PC programm in the Trainer’s composition which is called “TRAINING FOR FIRE RULES” with regard for types of targets, distance to taget, speed and direction of their movement, background (winter or summer), ambient air, wind speed and direction.

Technical features:

Simulated range of firing, m......................................50...700
Number of targets, pcs....................................................109
Power supply ac ...............................................//220 Â, 50 Ãö
Non-stop work, h................................................................16
Life- cycle, h.....................................................................40000
Power consumption, w..................................................3000
Temperature range, C....................................................5...40
Trainer base, m.....................................................................6
Dimensions (taken apart), m..........................................8 õ 4

Technical-economic efficiency

After the complex training the servicemen can deliver fire exercises according to the fire course or to analogue requirements for combat operation on the level of experienced firemen.
Cash expenditure for buying the trainer is compensated during a year and a half of operation due to saving of ammunition and reduction of classes.


Setting of environmental conditions

Field view through an optical sight


Analysis of training results