Vladimir Ivanov

   The federal state unitary enterprise "CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PRECISE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING "TSNIITOCHMASH" is known by its scientific and technical activities in the field of development and manufacture of the most mass kinds of arms and military equipment for various branches of arms. The decision on creation of our enterprise was accepted just before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The Institute was assigned the tasks to define the prospects of development, decision of the basic scientific and technical problems, researches, development and tests of the most mass kinds of arms and engineering for the Army, Aviation and Navy. For more than 60 years of the existence the enterprise has brought the significant contribution in post war equipment of the Armed forces of the country by advanced samples of materiel. Under the leading role of "TSNIITOCHMASH" more than 80 samples and complexes were developed, brought into serial manufacture and accepted into Ground forces, Air-landing forces, Aviation, Navy, Special forces and Law enforcement units. Among them small arms, artillery, antitank weapon, other military equipment and ammunition of different types, including 9 samples  accepted for armament during  last five years. The Institute integrates results of scientific researches, designs, developments and advanced technologies received in branch, military and design offices with due regard for own experience of new technical developments, modern conditions of warfare and opportunities of national economy.

Research on development and serial manufacture of combat  equipment samples and armament for servicemen of all state power structures are of special great importance. These works combine efforts of more than 70 industrial enterprises in the field of small arms perfection  and cannon armament, personal protection means, communication facilities, products of textile, shoe, food, medical, chemical and other industries. Unique experimental research test stands and methods for developed samples of arms and their components are created for completion of tasks on technical maintenance of state security. These tests simulate all environmental conditions (water, dust, moisture, salt fog, space) in temperature range from - 50 oC to +50 oC  including biological influence. The whole cycle of works on tests simulating environmental conditions of  arms and materiel samples future applications covers less than a year. Well-equipped proving ground for sample tests in real time mode with due regard for new conditions has received its development. In the sphere of scientific research simulating installations function allowing to carry out natural and semi-physical simulations of arms  samples practical use . Complex research works executed by the Institute allowed to form an image of new  general purpose systems- underwater and noiseless weapon. General purpose weapon system is based on 5.45-mm rifle cartridge developed by "TSNIITOCHMASH" and modernized 7.62-mm submachine gun cartridges. Later on the Institute developed a concept of essential (in some cases) increase of automatic fire accuracy provided by a new weapon without any change of 5.45-mm cartridge ballistics at the expense of new circuits of automatic mechanism. Underwater weapon, noiseless weapon and weapon for special anti-terrorist units should be noted among the most unusual samples of weapon created under a leading role of "TSNIITOCHMASH". "TSNIITOCHMASH" developed special cartridges and weapon for combat-frogmen and other experts working under water: 4.5-mm SPS cartridge for SPP-1 underwater pistol and 5.66-mm cartridge MPS for APS rifle for underwater shooting. In spite of the fact that these samples became a subject of attentive study the technical decisions realized in them are not reproduced in any country of the world up to now. The generation of noiseless weapon developed by the Institute is presented by 9-mm assault rifle complex, 9-mm sniper complex and 7.62-mm pistol complex. Ultimate degree of sound suppression is achieved in PSS pistol complex with SP4 cartridge. It is comparable to sound level of an air gun. Thus high efficiency is provided. Special 9-mm pistol and small-sized assault rifle complexes for outfitting of anti-terrorist units feature high armour piercing capability. SR1M self-loading pistol  "GURZA"and SR10 cartridge, SR2 sub-machine pistol (VERESK) and SR3 small-sized assault rifle (VIKHR) provide completion of all tasks entrusted to small-arms in special operations. This weapon can be unconspicuosly carried under any clothes and ensures instant readiness for fire. A large group of scientists and experts of  "TSNIITOCHMASH" is awarded with the Premium of of Russian Federation government in the field of science and engineering for creation of personal weapon complex for outfitting anti-terrorist units. Some works on creation of new generation of artillery arms should be noted among the other unique developments. The Institute developed and substantiated circuits and technical shape of principally new 120-mm universal artillery complexes which combine features of mortar, howitzer and anti-tank cannon in one sample. The works on perfection of samples of this generation have got further development. Taking into account perspective and importance of the task on extension of military and technical cooperation with foreign countries, the State Test-Demonstration Centre is formed in "TSNIITOCHMASH" structure. The centre is actively used by state organizations and government agencies for promotion of branch production into the home and foreign markets. The Institute specialists carry out complex research, technical examination, natural demonstration of technical and functional qualities of weapon and war materiel samples. The State Test Station (STS) on testing of hand firearms of civil and service purpose and ammunition to them is also a part of the Institute structure. It is included into the international list of test stations of countries-participants of Brussels convention which have the right to have their own stamp about tests for correspondence to international requirements of weapon and ammunition safety. STS has its representation at 11 enterprises manufacturing weapon and ammunition. In collective group of highly skilled designers, researchers, investigators there are 58 specialists of the highest qualification (doctors of science) who have developed not one generation of Russian weapon. 52 employees are awarded with high ranks of winners of the State and Governmental premiums, 22 employees are winners of nominal premiums for achievement in the field of science and engineering. Sabelnikov V.M., a known scientist in the field of development of shooting complexes was Head of the Institute from 1963 till 1992. Khinikadze A.V.,  Head of the Institute from 1992 till 2000, brought a large contribution to the development of works on creation of base complete set of equipment for servicemen and perspective samples of firearms. Thus the state enterprise TSNIITOCHMASH" having highly-skilled scientists, designers, experimental and research base, production base and demonstrative-test divisions is putting into practice the State policy in the field of development, production and export of weapon and war materiel. Creation of new materiel, technologies and equipment, development of modern medical engineering and equipment, creation of high-quality production for long term use and consumer goods are main directions of works on civil production. Lately the struggle against consequences of extreme situations arising in different parts of the planet became rather actual. The scientists of the Institute developed an independent pyrotechnic device of high power for carrying out emergency-rescue works, liquidation of technogenic catastrophes and other disasters. Since 1992 the experts of "TSNIITOCHMASH"have prepared over 15 investment projects and about 30 proposals on development and organization of new High-Tech production for various purposes. In particular, so called aerosol self-defense complex "Udar" is very popular among civilians. It is a pistol without a barrel  loaded by cylinders with non-toxic substance (unlike gas it is absolutely harmless).  Portable vibrodiagnostic device VDP-1010 intended for diagnostics of various equipment and machines conditions and is very useful for tests of new lift models and other machines. Significant success was achieved by the employees of TSNIITOCHMASH in creation of medical engineering and equipment. One of the most perspective developments of the Institute in the field of medicine is a magnetic separator of marrow cells and blood- MSK-1. It is indespensable in treating of malignant diseases of a man for purging and transplantation to a patient his own marrow. Trainers designed by the specialist of TSNIITOCHMASH simulate real interaction of a man with weapon. These trainers are successfully used for shooting training. It is necessary to note complexes of instrumentation for automated remote control and environmental monitoring; automatic detection of leakages in pipelines of various purposes; automatic landing of small aircraft in all-weather conditions on unprepared (non-equipped) airfields. These developments are expecting their practical use. The level of works of TSNIITOCHMASH is characterized by estimation of international and Russian exhibitions. "Magnetic marrow cells separator" and "Dowel-fastening pistol" were awarded with gold medals of World salon of inventions "Brussels-Europe-1995". Electrosurgical device was awarded with a bronze medal of World salon of inventions "Brussels-Europe" 1996. Works "1U35 small arms firing trainer" and "7.62-mm infantry machine gun "Petcheneg" were awarded with diplomas and gold medals of "Russian Shield-2000" exhibition. Practically all scientific and technical developments of TSNIITOCHMASH are covered by patents for inventions and certificates. For the last three years about 30 safe-guard documents were got on  Institute's products. TSNIITOCHMASH being versatile centre of science is interested in long-term and mutually advantageous cooperation with collective groups of various industries on the most various directions of creation of highly effective samples of engineering and technologies.


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